4030 US HWY 264 W Washington, NC 27889 252-974-2886

Is Your Garage Becoming a Storage Unit

Trade-In Time Might Be Here!

We all love the roar of vintage engines, the gleam of chrome, the memories attached to each classic car – National Car Collector's Day, celebrated on the second Friday of July, is a day for enthusiasts to revel in their automotive passions.

Hidden in Plain Sight: The Unintentional Car Collection

National Car Collector's Day celebrates the passion for classic cars, but let's face it, most of us aren't collectors. We simply have one car that serves our everyday needs. However, over time, that car might transform from a reliable companion to an unintentional burden without you even realizing it. So, how do you know if it's time to consider a trade-in?

5 Signs It's Time To Sell Your Car

  • The Garage is Overflowing: Is your once-organized garage now a battleground for bikes, boxes, and your car? When your car never moves it's a sign it might be time to trade it in.

  • Your Mechanic Is On Speed Dial: Does your car seem to require more repairs than ever before? Constant maintenance not only drains your time and energy but also eats into your budget.

  • The Gas Gauge is Always on Empty: Are you constantly filling up your car, only to see the needle drop faster than ever? Consider trading in for a more fuel-efficient vehicle and save money at the pump.

  • The "Someday" Project Never Comes: Is your car just watching the grass grow in the driveway, waiting for that "someday" when you'll finally fix it? A car that sits unused isn't just depreciating – it's taking up valuable space and resources.

  • Your Needs Have Evolved: Did your family grow, your commute change, or your driving habits shift? Holding onto a car that no longer meets your current needs can be inconvenient and limit your options.

  • You're Waiting For A Stranger To Offer You A Million Bucks

If you can get a million bucks for your car we say go for it. In the meantime, bring it in so we can take a look at it. We will give you a fair price for your car and take care of the paperwork. 

When you drive off in your new shiny car you'll feel like a million bucks without the million-dollar price tag.


Crazy Car Laws That Make You Say "Huh!

Buckle Up for Bizarre: America's Craziest Car Laws

We love cars. We love selling them, buying them, and most importantly, helping you find the perfect vehicle for your needs. But even we have to admit, sometimes the laws surrounding cars can be a little... strange.

So, buckle up and get ready for a wild ride as we explore some of the craziest car laws in the United States:

  1. Alabama: Feeling adventurous? Well, don't even think about driving blindfolded in the "Heart of Dixie." This one seems like a no-brainer, but hey, you never know!

  2. Alaska: While you're at it, leave your furry friend safe and sound at home when exploring Alaska's breathtaking landscapes. Tying your dog to the roof of your car is a big no-no here.

  3. Arizona: Feeling the heat and need to reverse out of that crowded parking lot? Think again in Arizona, where driving in reverse on a public road is strictly prohibited. Maybe this is their way of encouraging parallel parking skills?

  4. Arkansas: Got a late-night craving? Be mindful of the time in Arkansas. Honking your car horn after 9 pm near a place serving cold drinks or sandwiches is a surefire way to get a noise violation.

  5. California: This one's for the fashionistas: ditch the housecoat while driving in California. Though rarely enforced, this law raises an eyebrow on the practicality scale.

  6. Colorado: Feeling fancy in your black car? Save your cruising for weekdays in Denver, where driving a black car on Sundays is against the law. We're not sure what the reasoning is, but hey, maybe it's just bad luck for black cars on Sundays

  7. Delaware: Need a quick outfit change before that important meeting? Not in your car if you're in Delaware. Public indecency laws extend to your vehicle, so keep those wardrobe changes discreet.

  8. Florida: Known for its quirky laws, Florida takes the cake with this one. If you ever find yourself tying an elephant, goat, or alligator to a parking meter, remember, by law, you're responsible for feeding the meter!

  9. Georgia: We get it, sometimes you just gotta spit. But in Georgia, think twice before doing it from a car or bus. Apparently, it's perfectly fine to do it from a truck, though. Don't ask us why.

  10. Hawaii: Flashing your hazard lights might seem like the universal sign for "trouble ahead," but not in Hawaii. Using hazard lights while your vehicle is in motion is illegal there. So, how do you warn other drivers you need to pull over? We're not sure, but maybe a good old fashioned hand signal is the way to go!

These are just a few examples of the many strange and unusual car laws out there. While some are more humorous than others, it's always a good idea to be familiar with the laws in your area to avoid any unwanted surprises on your next road trip.

In the meantime. when you're in the market for a new car, call or stop by and we'll do our best to find the perfect one for you. 


Spring Forward Into A Smoother Ride

Loose Sleep Over The Time Change Not Your Safety

As we "spring forward" with Daylight Saving Time, it's also a perfect time to make sure your rides remains smooth with a suspension check-up.

Just like the changing seasons, your car's suspension system endures constant wear and tear from navigating various road conditions. Similar to how spring brings renewal, a suspension check-up can renew the performance and comfort of your car.

Why a spring suspension check-up is important:

Spring brings unpredictable weather: From potholes hidden under melting snow to unexpected rain showers, spring roads can be harsh on your suspension.

A check-up ensures your car can handle these challenges safely and comfortably. Winter's toll on your car: Harsh winter conditions can put increased stress on your suspension components, leading to wear and tear.

Addressing these issues early prevents further damage and costly repairs later. Improved driving experience: A well-maintained suspension system translates to smoother handling, better cornering, and a more comfortable ride – perfect for spring road trips and adventures.

  • Improved Handling and Safety: A well-maintained suspension system ensures optimal handling, allowing you to better control your vehicle and navigate unexpected road conditions safely.

  • Enhanced Comfort: Worn-out suspension components can lead to a bumpy and uncomfortable ride. A check-up can identify and address these issues, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable driving experience.

    Extended Tire Life: A properly functioning suspension minimizes uneven tire wear, saving you money on replacements in the long run.

    Peace of Mind: Knowing your car's suspension is in good condition provides peace of mind on the road, especially during unpredictable spring weather conditions.

Don't wait until you hit a pothole to find out your suspension needs work. you're already wide awake from losing an hour of sleep! Make the most of that extra-early morning energy by scheduling a suspension check-up and ensure a smooth, safe ride all season long.

Flip Phones Foldable Cars & Sardine Cans

But Can It Fit Into Your Pocket?

A Journey from Nostalgia to Innovation

Remember the days when flip phones were all the rage? Everyone thought they had the latest and greatest. Fast forward to today, and voila – the Google Pixel Flip phone is here, flipping the script on tech nostalgia. It's like tech fashion – everything old is new again! And guess what? The car industry is getting in on the retro action too with foldable cars. That’s right, cars that fold. Because why park a car when you can fold it like laundry?

Foldable Cars: A Glimpse into the Future

Enter the Lakota, the car that doesn't believe in taking up space. Could it just be the answer to the problem in cities where parking spots are as rare as a calm day on social media? This foldable wonder shrinks to fit into spaces that even a Smart Car would balk at. But let's be real – while squeezing your car into a space sounds cool, what about squeezing yourself into it?

Real Talk: Cool Tech or Sardine Can?

The Lakota is undeniably the cool kid on the block, but let's be real. If you've got a family, play in a band, or just like room to stretch your legs, this is not your dream ride. For those times, we've got a lineup of cars that won't require you to fold your passengers into origami.

Tech Meets Practicality: The Best of Both Worlds

We love tech, and who doesn't want to feel like they're living in the future? But we also know that sometimes, you just need a car that feels like a car and not a piece of space-saving furniture. That's why we’re here to help you find a car that’s not only affordable but you also won’t hit your elbow on the door every time you try to turn. So, whether you're into the nostalgia of flip phones, intrigued by the origami magic of foldable cars, or just want something that comfortably gets you from A to B, we've got you covered.

Stop by for a test drive and be on your way in your next car today.

Smells Like A New Car To Me

The Best Ways To Keep Your Car Smelling Like New Your Car

The smell of a new car is one of the best things in the world. It's like getting a fresh start, every time you get in. But what can you do to make sure your car smells like new for as long as possible? Here are four tips that will help keep your car smelling great.

1. Don't leave food in your car.

This one seems like a no-brainer, but it's worth repeating. Whenever you eat in your car, be sure to throw away any wrappers or leftover food. Otherwise, you're just inviting critters and bacteria to come in and make themselves at home.

2. Vacuum the seats and carpets often

Even if you don't eat in your car, dirt and dust can build up on the seats and carpets. Vacuuming regularly will help to remove these particles and keep your car smelling fresh.

3. Use a fabric freshener to keep the upholstery smelling good

There are a variety of fabric fresheners on the market, both in spray and gel form. These can help to keep the upholstery in your car smelling pleasant.

4. Spray a deodorizer in the car every week or so to keep it smelling fresh.

There are products that are designed to produce the new car smell. These can be found at most auto parts stores and can help keep your car smelling like new.


These are just the basics, but to really get rid of tough odors like smoke, it's going to take a bit more work. Deodorizers and fabric sprays may temporarily cover up smells, but they don’t actually remove them. If you’re looking for a more long-term solution, try an ozone generator.

An ozone generator can also be used to remove smoke odors from your car. They work by producing ozone molecules which attach to and break down the particles that cause odors. Ozone generators can be purchased online or at some home improvement stores.

Stolen Car = Stolen Dreams

Can You Avoid The Nightmare?

You've waited so long. You finally saved up enough money to buy your dream car. You do your research, take test drives, and find the perfect one. The day finally arrives when you drive off the lot in your new car. You're on top of the world. But then, one day, your car is gone. It's been stolen. Your dream has become a nightmare. No one ever thinks it will happen to them. But every year, thousands of people have their cars stolen. And for many, the loss is more than just material - it's a devastating blow to their sense of security and well-being.


For victims of car theft, the experience can be traumatizing. Not only are they left without a means of transportation, but they also have to deal with the fallout from the crime. This can include everything from filing a police report to dealing with insurance claims.If you've been the victim of car theft, it's important to know that you're not alone. There are resources available to help you through this difficult time. And with a little effort, you can make sure that your car is returned to you safely

Most Stolen Cars Of 2021

According to a recent article from autoblog.com the most stolen cars of 2021 were.

  1. Chevrolet pickup (full-size): 48,206 total thefts

  2. Ford pickup (full-size): 47,999 total thefts

  3. Honda Civic: 31,673 total thefts

  4. Honda Accord: 30,274 total thefts

  5. Toyota Camry: 17,270 total thefts

  6. GMC pickup (full-size): 15,599 total thefts

  7. Nissan Altima: 14,108 total thefts

  8. Honda CR-V: 13,308 total thefts

  9. Jeep Cherokee / Grand Cherokee: 13,210 total thefts

  10. Toyota Corolla: 12,927 total thefts

 As you can see from the list above the most stolen cars are full-size pickup trucks followed by Honda Civic and Accord. Although these represent the most stolen vehicles it doesn't mean that these are the only ones being targeted. In fact, any car can be stolen regardless of make or model.

Always Lock Your Doors

This seems like common sense but you'd be surprised how many people don't do it. Always make sure to lock your doors, even if you're just running into the store for a quick errand. And don't leave your keys in the ignition - no matter how tempting it may be on a hot day.

Don't Leave Spare Keys In The Car

Another common mistake is leaving a spare key hidden in the car. This may seem like a good idea at the time, but it's just asking for trouble. If a thief finds your spare key, they now have easy access to your vehicle.

Install A Tracking Device With A Remote Kill Switch

If you're really concerned about your car being stolen, you can install a tracking device with a remote kill switch. This will allow you to track the location of your car if it's stolen, and even disable it if necessary. Typically they come with an app that you can use to track the location of your vehicle. Then remotely disable the car and notify the authorities who will then be able to apprehend the thief and return your vehicle.

Consider A Wheel Lock

A wheel lock is another good idea if you're worried about your car being stolen. This is a device that attaches to your wheel and makes it very difficult for a thief to drive away with your car. They're not 100% effective, but they can be a good deterrent.

Park In Well Lit Areas

Whenever possible, try to park in well lit areas and never leave packages or valuables in plain sight. Thieves often seek out easy targets of opportunity, so the less tempting your car is, the better. Although not full proof, putting valuables in the trunk is also a good i

What's Next, A Flying Car

Will Electric Cars Will Become Yesterday's News

Technology never stands still for long and, as anyone who's been paying attention to the automotive industry over the past few years will know, electric cars are very much the future. But what's next?

One area that is currently being explored is the possibility of flying cars. That's right, flying cars! While it may sound like something straight out of The Jetsons, there are a number of companies working on this incredible technology and it may not be as far-fetched as you might think.

Here's a headline from a recently published article from Car and Driver

Hyundai Subsidiary Unveils Flying Car Concept That Could Fly U.S. Skies by 2028

"Hyundai is also investing heavily in the nascent industry, launching a U.S.-based subsidiary called Supernal last November to focus on the so-called "Advanced Air Mobility market.” Now, Supernal has unveiled its eVTOL Vehicle Cabin concept at the Farnborough International Airshow in England, showing what the passenger compartment inside its upcoming intra-city air shuttle could look like."

Don't Count On Getting Frequent Flier Miles Just Yet

In addition to the technical hurdles that need to be overcome, there are also a number of regulatory issues that need to be sorted out before flying cars become a reality. Just like most industries I'm sure that traditional airlines are not going to be too thrilled about the idea of having competition from flying cars.

And then there's the question of whether or not people are actually going to want to fly in a car. I have to admit that the idea of getting stuck in traffic on the freeway is not all that appealing, but then again neither is being crammed into a metal tube with a bunch of strangers for hours on end.

Flying cars would obviously have a lot of advantages over traditional ground-based vehicles. For one, they would be able to avoid traffic jams and get from A to B much quicker. They would also be able to park in a lot less space and, perhaps most importantly, they would be a lot of fun!

Ready To Trade Your Old Car For A Flying Car?

You may be excited about the prospect of buying a flying car but unfortunately we're out of stock. Along with the rest of the world. In the meantime, you can browse our wide selection of quality used cars, trucks, and SUVs. We offer a wide range of makes and models to choose from and our friendly and knowledgeable staff will be more than happy to help you find the perfect vehicle


Coming Up Roses - How Color Affects Resale Value

Does The Color Of Your Car Affect Its Resale Value?

"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" - William Shakespeare

If you think about it, the color of the rose doesn't make any difference either. But have you ever wondered if the color of a car affects its trade in value?

How People Pick The Color Of Their Car

People pick the color of their car for many reasons. It may be a reflection of their personality or the desire to make a statement about their status, and even wealth.

Colors are often chosen based on comfort, practicality and aesthetics. Some of the most popular car colors are white, black, silver, gray and red.

One of the reasons people may choose white is because it looks clean and sleek. It also has a modern look to it. Plus, white can go with any type of interior.

Black is popular because it is thought to be classic and sophisticated. It also won't show dirt as easily as other colors.

Silver and gray are both neutral colors that go with just about anything. They are good choices for those who want a sleek, modern look.

Red is thought to signify power and strength. It is also seen as a more exciting color than some of the other options.

Trending Colors

Some people choose the color of their car based on what is popular at the time. Others may want to be different and choose an unpopular color. There are also those who believe that certain colors are luckier than others.

iSeeCars recently released an article detailing Which Colors Help and Hurt a Car's Resale Value. They reported:


  • A vehicle’s color can have a substantial impact on how quickly it loses value, with the highest depreciating color losing nearly four times the value compared to the lowest

  • Popular colors, including white, black, and silver, have minimal impact, meaning they won’t hurt resale value but they also won’t help a vehicle maintain its value

  • Some of the most beneficial colors for retaining value, including yellow and orange, may surprise consumers

A car’s color can help or hurt its resale value, according to a recent analysis by iSeeCars.com. After comparing prices of more than 650,000 recently sold three-year-old used cars, iSeeCars determined the average three-year vehicle depreciation rate by car color.

“A vehicle’s color is among the primary considerations after shoppers have decided on a make and model,” said iSeeCars Executive Analyst Karl Brauer. “With depreciation being the largest cost of vehicle ownership, consumers should carefully consider their color choice–especially if they plan on selling their vehicle.”

Be sure to read the entire article here

Should We All Just Buy Yellow Cars?

While the numbers speak for themselves, there are other factors you should consider before jumping on the Yellow car bandwagon. Do you really want to drive a yellow car ? If the answer is no, then it doesn't matter how well it holds its value.

The same goes for any other color. If you love the color purple and it just so happens to have a good resale value, then go for it!

Looking for a new car?

You'll love our selection of quality used cars - they're reliable and affordable. And we're here to help you every step of the way. You won't find a better selection or price anywhere else.

We can even find that Yellow car you've always wanted.

Contact us today to learn more!

Not Sure You Should Keep Your Car

You've Lost That Loving Feeling

Deep down inside you know It’s time to trade in your old car for a newer one. Perhaps the car you are currently driving is starting to show its age. Maybe your kids have been begging you for a while or you’ve been wanting to get a bigger car.

Whatever the case may be, now is the time to make the switch and we want to help you. Here are four reasons why you should trade in your car to our dealership:

1. Get a Fair Price for Your Trade-In

Our team of experts will appraise your car and give you a fair price for it – no haggling necessary. We want your business, so we’ll make sure you get a fair price for your trade-in.

2. Get a Great Deal on a New Car

When you trade in your car, you’ll be able to take advantage of our great deals on a newer car. We have a wide selection of the latest models, so you’re sure to find something you love.

3. Get Rid of Your Old Car Hassle-Free

Don’t worry about what to do with your old car – we’ll take care of everything for you including the paperwork. All you have to do is bring your car to us and we’ll take it from there.

4. Get the Upgrade You Deserve

Finally let all your hard work payoff. You deserve a better car and we can help you get it. Trade in your old car and upgrade to something new, better, and more luxurious. You’ll be glad you did.

It's Out There Somewhere!

Finding the Perfect Family Car

Balance Safety and Comfort

When searching for a family car, it's essential to find one that balances comfort and safety. Popular cars like the Toyota Camry, Honda Accord, Dodge Durango, Chevrolet Malibu, Tesla Model 3 and BMW 5 Series all offer roomy seating and cargo spaces as well as modern safety features – like Apple CarPlay or Android Auto – at an affordable price.

Advanced Features You'll Love

Climate control systems along with advanced infotainment consoles provide families with extra levels of convenience while on the road. Additionally, the Chevrolet Malibu offers automatic emergency braking and lane keep assist to help you stay safe when driving. For those looking for more performance out of their car, Tesla Model 3s and BMW 5 Series sedans come with impressive zero to sixty times under five seconds as well as excellent ratings on safety features like adaptive cruise control.

Choose the Right Vehicle

No matter what vehicle you choose in the end, remember that comfort and security should always take precedence. Do your research ahead of time to ensure that you're getting what you need from your family car - make sure it matches your lifestyle needs! With careful consideration and fact-checking you can rest assured that you've made the right choice for your family vehicle shopping needs.

Make an Informed Decision

At the end of the day, finding the perfect family car requires research and some careful consideration. Balance safety with comfort to find a vehicle that fits your lifestyle needs – whether that be something with top-notch performance or loaded with modern technology.


Shop around on our website and don't be afraid to ask questions!, you can rest assured that our knowledgeable staff can help make sure your family gets the best car for their needs.

Text Us